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Exam prep is a process of memorization, connection and mindset.  Here are some tools to help you feel confident and prepared for success!  

  1. Understand the Exam: Research and understand the exam format, structure, and question types. This will help you to prepare more effectively and optimize your study time. Review the Candidate Information Bulletin.  Watch a recorded class video in the Replay Showcase on the Candidate Information Bulletin.

  2. Study Materials: Use your Agent Rising study guides, Showcase videos, live hour classes and recommended textbooks. Every minute of studying and reviewing pays off.

  3. Time Management: Set a study schedule and manage your time wisely. Dedicate enough time for studying each day and take regular breaks to avoid burnout.  At the same time, take the exam as close as possible to when you completed the course requirements and the material is fresh!

  4. Practice Tests: Do as many Dearborn quizbank and practice exams as you can to identify areas of that need more review and improve your test-taking skills.

  5. Focus on Key Concepts: Focus on the key concepts and principles that are essential for passing the exam. These may include real estate law, contracts, financing, agency, fair housing, and appraisals. Every concept you will be tested on is listed on pages 17 and 18 of the Candidate Information Bulletin.  Focus on the concepts with the highest number of questions on the exams.  All are important.  Our goal is not rote memorization, but to prepare you for the reason WHY you are taking this exam:  your work as a licensed real estate professional.

  6. Attend SOAR live hour sessions while waiting for your application to be processed to schedule the exam: Attend SOR live sessions or watch the recorded Replay videos for review. These sessions can help you to clarify any doubts and get valuable insights from experienced professionals.

  7. Stay Motivated: Stay motivated throughout the study process and remind yourself of your goals. Celebrate small achievements and stay positive even if you face setbacks.

Studying Strategy Tips:

  • Cramming only works in the short term.  Use cramming for memorizing a math formula that you can write down as soon as you sit down in front of the exam computer.
  • Quizbank / PrepAgent:  when your scores are consistently approx. 85% or higher, your confidence in your knowledge base will be high for taking the exam.
  • Use the Agent Rising pdf study guides!  
  • Rewatch Showcase videos, attend LIVE SOAR hours and ask the instructor questions.  Email questions to instructors.  Engage with the material by asking yourself questions about it.  Remember stories and relate the knowledge to the vocab and laws we have studied.
  • Review MA laws
  • Learn vocab!  Record yourself reading the definitions. Use the Facebook Vocab of the Day to review for quick vocab refreshers.  Use your flashcards and study guide.  Learn the language of the real estate business

Test-Taking Tips:

  • Pack your documents folder, ID and credit card the night before in your bag.
  • Gas up the car the night before and know the route to the test center.  
  • Eat a normal meal and avoid any new foods on the day of the exam.
  • Arrive at PSI early.  Late arrivals are not allowed to take the exam.
  • Write down any formulas you memorized as soon as you sit down with you pencil and paper in front of your exam computer.
  • Answer each question by determining what is being asked.
  • Choose the best answer.  (Best as determined by the Real Estate Board, MA laws and textbooks).  
  • Choose the "closest to best" answer if none of the answers are familiar.
  • Mark only the questions that you want to come back to.
  • Answer each question fully and move on to the next one.
  • Do not change answers.  Trust that you have carefully ensured you chose the best answer.
  • Complete any questions you marked to come back to.
  • Once complete, click submit and go get the results!

Here are some popular mantras that can help you pass an exam:

  • "I am fully prepared for this exam, and I will do my best to succeed."

  • "I am confident in my abilities and knowledge, and I am ready to showcase them in this exam."

  • "I am calm and focused, and I will approach this exam with a clear and positive mindset."

  • "I trust in my preparation and efforts, and I know that they will pay off in this exam."

  •  "I will not let any anxiety or stress affect my performance, and I will stay relaxed and composed throughout the exam." 
  • "I am grateful for the opportunity to take this exam, and I will make the most of it.
  • "I will read each question carefully and answer to the best of my ability, without getting overwhelmed by the complexity or difficulty of the exam."

These mantras are positive affirmations that can help you to stay motivated, focused, and confident during your exam. 

Passing the real estate exam requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. 

We can't wait to hear how things go after you take the exam!  

Good luck!


Last updated 3 Apr 2023.


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